Lily and Matt met when they were in College in Utah. Matt is from the PNW and Lily’s family recently decided to move to the PNW as well! How does the saying go: “All good things come back to you”??? Well, that is the perfect description of Lily and Matt’s relationship. They met, dated for a bit, things fizzled out, and then reconnected after college when Lily and her family moved to Oregon. Getting to be their Bend, Oregon Engagement Photographer was such a treat!
Soon after Lily inquired with me, we jumped on a call and we immediately connected. She was so sweet and knew exactly what she wanted: a fun, classy engagement photoshoot. We started talking locations and she was initially drawn to Sparks Lake! So, that it what we planned on. On the day of the shoot, Lily and Matt ran into so unexpected setbacks that would put them getting to Sparks Lake around dusk. I was already on my way to Sparks Lake early and had no issue changing the location the Smith Rock State Park, which was closer to the direction that Lily and Matt were coming from!
We met, hit it off, and started taking their engagement photos! During the start of our photoshoot together, Matt mentions to me that he really does not like taking pictures. He hates just standing there and smiling. Me too! My approach to posing involves me prompting my couples to do movements, activities, or just answer my questions to evoke the emotion that brought them to me in the first place. I was every single one of my photos to show your love. Show how much you care for one another. Show the passion, and tenderness you have. And all the other amazing things that make up your love.
By the end of our photoshoot together, Matt said “Wow, this is not what I was expecting. This is pretty fun!” After hearing that from Matt, my day was made. I want every single one of my clients to have an experience that they enjoy, laugh about, and that draws up all of the feelings of love. And they get to walk away with beautiful photographs that they get to reminisce on forever!
It was an honor to be Lily and Matt’s Bend Oregon Engagement Photographer and I would love to be yours too! If you are recently engaged and looking for your engagement photographer, I would love to connect with you!

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